Can I leave Canada after bankruptcy?

leaving Canada, bankruptcy travel restrictions, British Columbia

Yes, you can leave Canada after bankruptcy! Canadian law doesn’t stop you from traveling, whether it’s a short trip or a permanent move. Just make sure to keep up with your bankruptcy obligations like meetings with your trustee, and inform them if you plan to be away longer than three weeks.

Person considering travel options after declaring bankruptcy while maintaining trustee obligations.

Traveling abroad after declaring bankruptcy in Canada


Can I leave Canada after bankruptcy? If I declare bankruptcy, am I allowed to leave Canada temporarily or permanently, or are there restrictions?

From: Anonymous Question, Burnaby, British Columbia (BC)

Debt Insiders Answer

Absolutely, you can travel outside Canada even after declaring bankruptcy. Canadian law doesn’t restrict individuals who’ve declared bankruptcy from going abroad, be it for a short trip or a permanent move. However, you’ll need to stay on top of your bankruptcy obligations, such as attending required meetings with your trustee. It’s super important to keep your trustee in the loop, especially if your travel plans extend beyond three weeks.

From: Insider Adam

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) Answer

Yes, you can leave Canada after declaring bankruptcy. There are no legal restrictions preventing you from temporarily or permanently leaving the country. However, it is advisable to obtain permission from your trustee if you plan to travel outside of Canada during your bankruptcy process. This is outlined in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, specifically under the provisions relating to the duties and responsibilities of a bankrupt person.

From: OSB Helper

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Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions related to traveling after declaring bankruptcy, formatted in markdown:

1. Can I leave the country if I declare bankruptcy?

You can leave the country after declaring bankruptcy, but you must inform your trustee and ensure all necessary payments are made.

2. Are there any travel restrictions after declaring bankruptcy?

There are no legal travel restrictions, but you must comply with the conditions of your bankruptcy agreement and keep your trustee informed.

3. Do I need to stay in the country during the bankruptcy process?

You do not need to stay in the country, but you must be available for required meetings and comply with the terms of your bankruptcy or consumer proposal.

4. Will my passport be affected if I declare bankruptcy?

Your passport will not be affected, and you will not face any issues applying for a new passport if you declare bankruptcy.

5. Can I move outside the country while filing for bankruptcy?

You can move within or outside the country while filing for bankruptcy, provided you meet the conditions of the agreement and stay in contact with your trustee.

These questions reflect common concerns and are based on the information provided in the sources regarding bankruptcy and travel in Canada.

If you have a question about debt see our debt questions or ask your own debt related question.


Title, Source
Can I leave the country if I declare bankruptcy?, Debt Insiders
Bankruptcy and Traveling Outside Canada, Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals
FAQs About Bankruptcy in Canada,
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3), Government of Canada

Table of article references

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