How long does collection stay on credit report Canada?

collections duration, credit report, British Columbia

In Canada, collections on your credit report last six years from the date you missed a payment. Paying doesn’t remove them, but they’ll show as “paid.” After six years, these collections disappear, no matter the status. Keep an eye on that collections duration for a healthier credit report!

Image showing a timeline of collections duration on a credit report in Canada, highlighting the six-year period.

Collections duration impacts your credit report for 6 years.

Collections Duration Question

How long does collection stay on credit report Canada? I want to know how long collections appear on credit reports in Canada. Is there a set time frame?

From: Anonymous Question
Location: Kelowna, British Columbia (BC)
Category: credit rebuilding

Collections Duration Answer

In Canada, those pesky collections stick around on your credit report for six years starting from when you first miss a payment. So, the moment your payment slips through the cracks, that six-year clock begins to tick. Clearing that collection won’t make it vanish from your report; it’ll simply get a “paid” tag. But don’t worry—these collections have a way of disappearing on their own after the six-year mark, no matter if they’ve been paid off or not.

From: Insider Adam

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Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) Answer

In Canada, collection accounts can stay on your credit report for up to six years from the date of the last payment or from the date the debt was incurred, depending on the province. This is referenced under the “Credit Reporting Act” details outlined in the applicable regulations. You should review the specific provincial regulations to confirm the exact timeframe as there may be slight variations.

From: OSB Helper

Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions related to the duration of collections on credit reports in Canada, along with brief answers:

1. How long does a collection stay on my credit report?

A collection stays on your credit report for 6 years from the date of the first delinquency[1][5][2].

2. Can paying off a collection remove it from my credit report?

Paying off a collection will not remove it from your credit report, but it will be marked as “paid”[1][3][5].

3. Do unpaid collections get removed from my credit report after 6 years?

Yes, unpaid collections will be removed from your credit report after 6 years, although the debt itself may still be pursued[1][5][2].

4. How does a collection impact my credit score?

A collection can significantly lower your credit score, but paying the collection can improve your score over time[1][3][5].

5. Can I dispute or remove incorrect collection information from my credit report?

Yes, you can file a dispute with the credit bureaus (Equifax and TransUnion) to remove incorrect collection information from your credit report[1][3][5].

If you have a question about debt see our debt questions or ask your own debt related question.


Title, Source
Understanding Your Credit Report,
Credit Reporting in Canada, Credit Canada
How Long Do Collections Stay on Your Credit Report, Equifax Canada
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3), Government of Canada

Table of article references

Elimiate up to 80% of Your Debt

High cost of gas, high cost of groceries, high lending rates, low salary - being in debt is not your fault! See if you qualify for government debt programs and get out of debt today!

Write off up to 80% of your debts
Reduce debts into one affordable monthly payment
Stop all collections calls
No interest and charges (completely frozen)
Government-legislated debt relief programs