How to stop calls from FDR Ltd?

FDR Ltd, Stopping collection calls, Manitoba

To stop calls from FDR Ltd., first confirm they are legitimate by checking with your local consumer protection agency. If not, file a complaint. Send a cease and desist letter via registered mail and block their number. Keep records of interactions. If needed, consult a lawyer for further steps. Or reach out via phone, text or live chat, we can help.

Cease and desist letter template to stop unwanted calls from FDR Ltd. and tips to block their number on your phone.

Block unwanted calls and send a cease and desist letter.

Fdr Ltd Question

How to stop calls from FDR Ltd? I’m looking for ways to stop unwanted calls from this company. It’s becoming a nuisance, and I need a solution.

From: Anonymous Question
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba (MB)
Category: financial planning

Fdr Ltd Answer

If you’re looking to put a stop to calls from FDR Ltd., the first step is to check if they’re on the up-and-up by verifying their credentials with your local consumer protection agency. A quick call or email to the right government office can give you the answer. If they’re operating off the grid or bending the rules, it’s time to file a complaint with consumer protection. Another move is sending them a cease and desist letter, politely asking them to cut out the phone calls and hit you up in writing instead. Be sure to send it registered mail so you have proof when it reaches them.

Getting a bit techy can also do wonders—block their number directly on your phone. Most phones these days let you block specific numbers, giving you a bit of peace. In case they don’t take the hint after your letter, it might be worth chatting with a lawyer for the next steps. And remember, keep a record of every interaction you have with them—calls, texts, anything—because this info could be your ace in the hole to resolve things smoothly.

From: Insider Adam

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Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) Answer

To stop unwanted calls from FDR Ltd, you can take the following steps based on Canadian legislation:

  1. Do Not Call List: Register your phone number on the National Do Not Call List (NDNCL). According to the Telecommunications Act, companies are prohibited from calling numbers that are registered on this list (section 41.5).

  2. Withdraw Consent: If you previously provided consent for FDR Ltd to contact you, you can withdraw that consent at any time. Under section 10 of the Unsolicited Telecommunications Regulations, you must inform the company that you no longer wish to be contacted.

  3. File a Complaint: If you continue to receive calls after taking these steps, you can file a complaint with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) as stipulated in section 41.1 of the Telecommunications Act.

By following these measures, you should be able to reduce or eliminate unwanted calls from FDR Ltd.

From: OSB Helper

Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions related to stopping calls from FDR Ltd, based on common concerns and trends in debt collection:

1. How do I stop FDR Ltd from calling me?

You can request that FDR Ltd stop calling you by contacting their office and providing your phone number to be removed from their system[1].

2. What are my rights when FDR Ltd is calling me?

You have the right to request that calls stop, to verify the debt, and to dispute any incorrect information on your credit report[1].

3. Can I report FDR Ltd for harassment or threats?

Yes, if the communication involves threats or harassment, you can report FDR Ltd to the relevant authorities, as such actions may violate the Collection Agencies Regulation[1].

4. How do I verify the debt FDR Ltd is calling me about?

You should request a validation of the debt from FDR Ltd, which includes the original contract and proof of the outstanding balance[1].

5. Can FDR Ltd affect my credit score if I ignore their calls?

Yes, FDR Ltd can report unpaid debts to credit bureaus, which can negatively impact your credit score[1].

If you have a question about debt see our debt questions or ask your own debt related question.


Title, Source
Consumer Protection in Canada, Government of Canada
How to Block Unwanted Calls, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Consulting a Lawyer About Debt Collection, Law Society of Ontario
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3), Government of Canada

Table of article references

Elimiate up to 80% of Your Debt

High cost of gas, high cost of groceries, high lending rates, low salary - being in debt is not your fault! See if you qualify for government debt programs and get out of debt today!

Write off up to 80% of your debts
Reduce debts into one affordable monthly payment
Stop all collections calls
No interest and charges (completely frozen)
Government-legislated debt relief programs