Is a credit score of 650 considered good in Canada?

credit score, financial products, Alberta

A 650 credit score in Canada means you’re in the “Below Average” or “Fair” range, limiting your credit options. Lenders might offer higher rates and lower limits due to perceived risk, complicating loans or mortgages. Boost your score by paying bills on time and keeping usage low to improve creditworthiness.

Credit score of 650 indicating fair creditworthiness with limited access to financial products like loans and credit cards.

Understanding creditworthiness with a 650 score.


Is 650 a good credit score in Canada? I’d like to understand whether a 650 credit score allows me flexibility and access to financial products in Canada. What does it signify in the eyes of creditors?

From: Anonymous Question, Calgary, Alberta (AB)
Topic: Credit Rebuilding

Debt Insiders Answer

A 650 credit score in Canada typically lands you in the “Below Average” or “Fair” category, which means your financial wiggle room is a tad restricted. While you can still get your hands on those shiny credit cards, personal loans, and lines of credit, you might find that the options on the table aren’t as plentiful or sweet as they would be for someone with a higher score. Lenders view a score of 650 as a bit of a red flag, signaling a higher risk, which can translate into less enticing deals like elevated interest rates and smaller credit limits. And if you’re dreaming of homeownership, a mortgage might be a tougher nut to crack, as many lenders prefer a score of 680 or above for the best rates.

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom! By practicing smart credit habits, like paying your bills on time and keeping your credit usage in check, you can help boost your score over time. Tools like secured credit cards can also give your score the nudge it needs. Sure, a 650 score gives you some room to maneuver, but aiming for a higher score can unlock better offers and terms. For a deeper dive into credit scores, there’s a useful resource you can check out about Credit Score Agencies.

From: Insider Scott

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Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) Answer

A credit score of 650 in Canada is generally considered a “fair” score. While it is above the threshold that may indicate problematic credit behavior, it is not high enough to provide significant flexibility or access to premium financial products.

In the eyes of creditors, a score of 650 may result in higher interest rates and less favorable terms on loans and credit products compared to individuals with higher credit scores. Creditors may view you as a moderate risk, which can influence their willingness to extend credit or assess your borrowing limits.

While you may still be able to access certain financial products, you will likely face restrictions regarding amounts and terms compared to those with “good” (typically above 700) credit scores. Ultimately, improving your credit score could enhance your options and reduce borrowing costs.

From: This answer is provided by scanning the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act and related directives from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB).

Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions related to the query “Is 650 a good credit score?” based on Canadian data and current trends:

1. Is a 650 credit score good or bad?

A 650 credit score is considered “fair” or “below average.”

2. What are the implications of having a 650 credit score on loan approvals?

Having a 650 credit score may limit access to the best loan rates and terms, and you might face higher interest rates or fewer loan options.

3. Can I get a mortgage with a 650 credit score?

It may be challenging to qualify for a mortgage with a 650 credit score, as most mortgage lenders require a score of 680 or higher.

4. How can I improve a 650 credit score?

You can improve a 650 credit score by maintaining good payment history, reducing your debt-to-credit ratio, avoiding public records, and managing credit inquiries responsibly.

5. What credit products can I qualify for with a 650 credit score?

With a 650 credit score, you can still qualify for many credit products, although the options may be more limited and the interest rates higher compared to those with better credit scores.

If you have a question about debt see our debt questions or ask your own debt related question.


Title, Source
Understanding Credit Scores in Canada, Debt Insiders
Improving Your Credit Score, Credit Canada
Accessing Financial Products with Your Credit Score, Borrowell
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3), Government of Canada

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