What is the success rate of consumer proposals in Canada?

consumer proposals, debt management, Manitoba

Consumer proposals in Canada are a popular way to manage debt, with 70-80% success rates. They help folks avoid bankruptcy by reorganizing debt over 3-5 years. However, 20% fail due to missed payments. Consulting a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and understanding your finances can improve success.

Image of a financial advisor discussing consumer proposals for effective debt management solutions.

Consumer proposals: a smart debt management solution.


What is the success rate of consumer proposals? I need a reality check on how often these proposals actually work out. If I’m going to commit to this process, it’s important to know the likelihood of success. What do the numbers say?

From: Anonymous Question, Manitoba (MB)

Debt Insiders Answer

Consumer proposals in Canada usually have a pretty good track record, with about 70% to 80% turning out well—which means most folks find this option effective for tackling debt. Those stats say a lot about how consumer proposals can be a smart move for sorting out finances. Now, what helps seal the deal on these proposals? It often boils down to the person’s financial health, how much they owe, and the stipulations laid out in the proposal itself. Typically, most of these plans are wrapped up in 3 to 5 years, giving people a chance to reboot their finances without heading down the bankruptcy path.

Of course, while many proposals succeed, about 20% don’t make it to the finish line. Missed payments or not having the funds to meet the terms can be a real roadblock. That’s why it’s crucial for anyone thinking about a consumer proposal to get a clear picture of their finances and talk things over with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Taking these steps can really boost your success rate!

From: Anonymous Question

Elimiate up to 80% of Your Debt

High cost of gas, high cost of groceries, high lending rates, low salary - being in debt is not your fault! See if you qualify for government debt programs and get out of debt today!

Write off up to 80% of your debts Reduce debts into one affordable monthly payment Stop all collections calls No interest and charges (completely frozen) Government-legislated debt relief programs

Office of the Superintendent of Bankrupty (OSB) Answer

The success rate of consumer proposals in Canada varies, but according to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB), about 70% of consumer proposals are successful. This statistic suggests that a significant majority of individuals who enter the consumer proposal process can achieve a resolution of their debt issues effectively. The success can depend on various factors, including the proposal’s terms, the debtor’s financial situation, and compliance with the proposal’s requirements, all of which are governed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act as outlined in sections relevant to consumer proposals. For more specific details, you may want to refer to the act and its accompanying regulations for additional context on conditions that could impact success rates.

From: This answer is provided by scanning the OSB Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act and related directives

Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions related to the success rate and general inquiries about consumer proposals in Canada:

1. What is the acceptance rate of consumer proposals?

  • The acceptance rate for consumer proposals is typically around 95% or better, with some firms reporting a 99% acceptance rate.

2. How long does a consumer proposal last?

  • A consumer proposal can last up to a maximum of 60 months (five years), but it can be paid off early if the debtor can afford to do so.

3. What happens if my creditors do not accept the consumer proposal?

  • If creditors do not accept the proposal, it can be rejected, and the debtor may need to negotiate new terms or consider other debt relief options like bankruptcy.

4. Can I pay off my consumer proposal early?

  • Yes, you can pay off your consumer proposal early, which allows you to begin the recovery process sooner.

5. How does a consumer proposal affect my credit rating?

  • A consumer proposal will negatively impact your credit rating initially, but successfully completing the proposal can help you rebuild your credit over time.

If you have a question about debt see our debt questions or ask your own debt related question.


Title, Source
Consumer Proposals in Canada, Government of Canada
Understanding the Success Rate of Consumer Proposals, Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals
Consumer Proposals: How They Work, Credit Counselling Canada
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3), Government of Canada

Table of article references

Elimiate up to 80% of Your Debt

High cost of gas, high cost of groceries, high lending rates, low salary - being in debt is not your fault! See if you qualify for government debt programs and get out of debt today!

Write off up to 80% of your debts
Reduce debts into one affordable monthly payment
Stop all collections calls
No interest and charges (completely frozen)
Government-legislated debt relief programs