Who does CBV Collections collect for?
CBV Collections, debt collection, New Brunswick
CBV Collections recovers unpaid debts across many sectors including credit card bills, utility bills, telephone bills or medical payments. They partner with big banks, government, and telecom firms, often buying debt from a long time ago.

Expert debt collection services for various creditors.
Cbv Collections Question
Who does CBV Collections collect for?
I received a call from CBV Collections, and I’m curious about which companies they represent.
From: Anonymous Question
Location: Fredericton, New Brunswick (NB)
Category: debt settlement
Cbv Collections Answer
CBV Collections helps recover unpaid debts for a variety of creditors and lenders. Typical examples include collecting for unpaid credit card bills, or a hospital chasing after medical payments. They have built ties with government offices, major banks, and telecom companies. Sometimes, CBV works directly with folks who owe money, and other times, they do the legwork for other businesses. Who they are working for isn’t always clear, but here’s the thing, you can ask!
If CBV Collections contacts you regarding a debt, your first step should be to verify the debt and the collector’s identity. Ask for written proof detailing how much you owe, who the original lender was, and any other important info. This helps protect against scams. Once you’ve confirmed the debt is real, take a good look at your finances to figure out your next steps. You might consider options like a consumer proposal, filing for bankruptcy, settling the debt, or rolling it into a consolidation loan.
From: Insider Adam
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Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) Answer
CBV Collections typically collects debts on behalf of various clients, including financial institutions, retail companies, utilities, and other service providers. For specific details regarding their clients or partnerships, you may need to contact them directly or check their official communications, as the laws and regulations do not outline the exact companies they represent. Additionally, the relevant acts and regulations can be found in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, but they do not specify the clients of collection agencies like CBV.
From: OSB Helper
Related Questions to Debt Collection
Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions related to “Who does CBV Collections collect for?” based on current trends and concerns:
1. Who does CBV Collections collect for?
CBV Collections collects debts on behalf of various creditors, including those from credit card companies, loan providers, and medical billing services.
2. How do I dispute a debt with CBV Collections?
You can dispute a debt with CBV Collections by identifying errors or discrepancies in the debt information and filing a dispute with the credit bureaus or directly with CBV Collections.
3. Can I negotiate a settlement with CBV Collections?
Yes, you can negotiate a settlement with CBV Collections, such as a “pay for delete” agreement, where you pay a portion of the debt in exchange for the removal of the collection account from your credit report.
4. Will paying CBV Collections improve my credit score?
Paying CBV Collections may improve your credit score by changing the status from ‘unpaid’ to ‘paid’, but the collection account will still appear on your credit report for 7 years from the date of first delinquency.
5. Can CBV Collections sue me for unpaid debt?
While it is rare, CBV Collections may sue for unpaid debt, but this is not the norm; it is more common for them to attempt to collect through other means such as phone calls and letters[4].
If you have a question about debt see our debt questions or ask your own debt related question.
Title, Source |
CBV Collections Overview, CBV Collections Official Site |
Debt Collection Agencies in Canada, Government of Canada |
Understanding Debt Collection, Consumer Protection Site |
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3), Government of Canada |
Table of article references
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