Can a consumer proposal improve my credit score?
consumer proposal, credit score, Alberta
Completing a consumer proposal may initially lower your credit score, but don’t fret! Over time, as you manage finances responsibly by paying bills on time and using credit wisely, your score can improve. Think of it like building a sandcastle—steady, small steps lead to a stronger financial future.

Boost your credit score with a consumer proposal.
Will my credit score go up after a consumer proposal?
I’m wondering if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to my credit score. Is it possible for my credit to actually improve after completing a consumer proposal? What’s the trajectory like?
From: Anonymous Question, Alberta (AB)
Debt Insiders Answer
Completing a consumer proposal can lead to a boost in your credit score over time. Initially, it might ding your score a bit, but don’t worry—that’s not the end of the story. As you wrap up the proposal and start handling your finances better—like paying bills on time and managing new credit smartly—your credit score begins to climb. The proposal lingers on your report for three years, but with positive credit habits, many see their scores rise within a year or two after completion. Think of it like building a sandcastle: use tools like secured credit cards or small, manageable loans that you pay off regularly, and soon, your financial standing will be looking sunny.
From: Anonymous Question
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Office of the Superintendent of Bankrupty (OSB) Answer
After completing a consumer proposal, your credit score may improve over time, but initially, it is likely to decrease as a consumer proposal itself is recorded on your credit report. Typically, a consumer proposal remains on your credit report for three years following the completion of the proposal, which can affect your credit score negatively during that period.
However, the trajectory for your credit score can improve as you demonstrate responsible credit behavior post-proposal, such as making on-time payments, managing new credit accounts carefully, and maintaining low credit utilization. As you begin to rebuild your credit history and habits, you may see an upward trend in your credit score after the initial impact of the proposal wears off.
For detailed information regarding the implications of consumer proposals on credit ratings, you would refer to the relevant sections of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (RSC 1985, c 11) and its associated regulations. Specifically, you may consult sections detailing the effects of consumer proposals on credit ratings and the duration for which they remain on your credit report.
From: This answer is provided by scanning the OSB Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act and related directives
Related Questions
Here are the top 5 most frequently asked questions related to the impact of a consumer proposal on credit scores, formatted in markdown:
1. How does a consumer proposal affect my credit score?
A consumer proposal will significantly lower your credit score and will be marked as an R7 on your credit report.
2. How long does a consumer proposal stay on my credit report?
A consumer proposal will remain on your credit report for 6 years from the date you file it.
3. Can I rebuild my credit after a consumer proposal?
Yes, you can start rebuilding your credit after a consumer proposal by monitoring your credit report, using a secured credit card, and keeping all bill payments current.
4. Will my credit score improve immediately after completing a consumer proposal?
No, your credit score will not improve immediately after completing a consumer proposal; it will take time and consistent good credit behavior to see improvements.
5. How long will it take to recover my credit score after a consumer proposal?
It typically takes several years of good credit behavior after completing a consumer proposal to significantly recover your credit score.
Title, Source |
Understanding the Impact of Consumer Proposals on Your Credit Score, The Balance |
How Consumer Proposals Affect Your Credit Score, MNP Debt |
Restoring Your Credit Score After a Consumer Proposal, TransUnion |
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3), Government of Canada |
Table of article references
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